Crystal Yankasky
Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner - 15 or 30 Minute Sessions
A Bit About Me
Crystal is a Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Paranormal Investigator. Her interest peaked in the metaphysical world after a night out to dinner with friends at a historical restaurant in Long Beach Island 25 years ago. A photo taken of Crystal that night, later revealed a ghostly presence standing behind her. That motivated Crystal in becoming a paranormal investigator and later utilizing Angel energy for the healing of those here and in spirit. Crystal has always felt guided and supported by the Angelic realm since a young child. "Angels are always around us. They are here to help us to live our best life, we need only ask for their assistance."
Crystal utilizes various angel oracle cards to give healing messages from the Angels. And she can give you clarity and guidance with questions and challenges you may be facing.