Code of Ethics and ADA Policy
At Long Beach Island Historical Association, we have a strong commitment to ethical practices and accessibility. Our code of ethics guides our interactions and operations, while our ADA policy ensures that our facilities are accessible and free from discrimination. We welcome all visitors to our museum and are dedicated to providing an excellent visitor experience to everyone who comes through our doors.
Code of Ethics

The Officers, Trustees and volunteers of the Long Beach Island Historical Association (LBIHA) embrace diversity, fairness, inclusiveness and integrity, and work to advance the Association's mission.
As a non-profit organization dedicated to the public good, LBIHA is accountable to the public; and will be transparent in its operations, responsible in its stewardship of resources and committed to excellence.
This Code of Ethics applies to the LBIHA Officers, Board of Trustees and volunteers. The Officers and Board of Trustees are elected by the LBIHA membership. Volunteers invlude docents, members of any standing or ad hoc committees, task forces and working groups appointed by the Board of Directors or President.
The LBIHA is actively committed to informing the board and volunteers about eh Code of Ethics and its application; evaluating the Code regularly; and creating policies and procedures that reflects its values.
The mission of the LBIHA, established by its bylaws, is to research, gather, collect and perpetuate the history of Long Beach Island, to maintain a collection of historical interest pertaining to Long Beach Island, and to own and operate a museum to advance the purposes of the Association.
The LBIHA board and volunteers will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and international conventions.
In their dealings as representatives of the LBIHA, the Association's Officers, Board and volunteers will act professionally with honesty, integrity and openness. The will treat each other, LBIHA members and the public fairly and with respect. Officers, Trustees and volunteers are responsible for being aware of and complying with LBIHA policies that address their conduct.
The LBIHA Officers. Trustees and volunteers will act in the best interest of the Association rather than in furtherance of personal interests, or the interests of third parties, such as friends, family or other organizations with which they may be affiliated.
Decisions about the Association and the use and disposition of its assets will be made solely in terms of the benefits to and the mission of the LBIHA. Officers and Trustees will inform the Board of any potential conflicts of interest that they are aware of, and will refrain from voting on potential conflicts of interest if so required by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
ADA Policy & Plan
The Long Beach Island Historical Association (LBIHA) does not discriminate on the basic of disability in admission or access to, treatment of or employment in its services, programs or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in LBIHA services, programs and activities. All certified service dogs are admitted to the LBIHA building and activities.
The LBIHA has a designated coordinator to facilitate compliance with the American for Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as required by Section 35.107 of the US Departme,l:11.57%25,w:76.87%25,h:76.92%25/rs=w:400,cg:true,mnt of Justice regulations, and to coordinate compliance with Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. While the above laws mandate equal access to people with disabilities, LBIHA makes it a priority to establish a workplace and environment that embraces the spirit of the law ensuring an optimal experience for all. LBIHA has no employees, but is staffed by volunteers.
The LBIHA Board of Trustees has designated an ADA Advisory Committee to evaluate the accessibility of the LBIHA facilities, programs and services, and advise on ways to enhance accessibility and provide requisite ADA volunteer training. The ADA Advisory Committee is made up of three individuals: the trustee and the ADA Coordinator, and the Association's volunteer Grand Manager.

LBIHA has a formal Grievance Procedure to provide an internal mechanism for the prompt and equitable resolution of discrimination issues and complaints patrons, contractors and volunteers for visitors, patrons, members, volunteers, employees and contractors.
Complaints will first be directed to the Volunteer Coordinator who serves as our ADA coordinator. The coordinator will record and document the complaint on the Grievance Form (see link below), and attempt to resolve it immediately. Copies of the Grievance Form are maintained at the Admission Desk. If the Volunteer Coordinator is not available the complaint will be directed to the President, or to any available member of the Board of Trustees.
If the Volunteer Coordinator is unable to resolve the complaint promptly, they will inform the President who will meet with the involved parties to resolve the complaint.
The Board of Trustees will receive a written report of any grievances and their resolution at the next scheduled Board meeting.
Any decision of the Volunteer Coordinator or President may be appealed to the Board of Trustees. The appeal should be directed in writing or by email to the President, who will arrange for the complaining party to meet with the Board within 30 days.
All certified service dogs are admitted to the LBIHA building and activities.
LBIHA has reserved parking for visitors with disabilities, a wheelchair life, an accessible toilet, and a wheelchair; and maintains these in good condition, with appropriate signage. The building and exhibits are barrier free. Historic District covenants and structural considerations in our 1882 building require that the wheelchair lift is located on the west side of the building; where reserved off-street parking is available, and where visitors with limited mobility can enter/exit the museum with a single lift.
LBIHA publicity and our website and Facebook page indicate that we are wheelchair accessible.
Admissions volunteers and Docents are trained annually on ADA compliance at the beginning of each season.
Wheelchair and seating for companions of persons with disabilities is provided for all lectures and programs, and admission fees will be waived for companions upon request. The Museum has no braille publications or audio or assisted hearing devices or publications. Although we currently cannot afford signing for our speakers program, they are accompanies by information packed power point slide presentations to help the hearing impaired and copies of scripts and power point presentations are provided for all special programs and lectures upon request. Our exhibits are visual, so assisted-hearing devices are not an enhancement. For the past two years we have phased in a program of improving our exhibit labeling so it is more accessible to visitors with limited vision. We have a collection of audio visual material available in exhibits, and we have a touch collection for children.
Our docents are available to guide all visitors needing help or explanation, and upon appointment docents are available to provide special guided tours for visitors with disabilities.
The Museum has a modest budget line for ADA/Accessibility expenses and it is our intention to investigate the possibility of offering signed tours of the museum or the historic district by advance reservation once or twice a season.